
Reproducibility study of the modular and reusable model of epithelial transport in the proximal convoluted tubule

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Version 1 2023-06-15, 22:47
journal contribution
posted on 2023-06-24, 23:03 authored by Leyla Noroozbabaee, Pablo J. Blanco, Soroush SafaeiSoroush Safaei, David NickersonDavid Nickerson
We describe here our implementation of a renal epithelial model as published in Noroozbabaee et al., 2022. The flexible and modular model we presented in the current work can be adapted to specific configurations of epithelial transport. The model describes the cellular and subcellular mechanisms of the transporters, intracellular buffering, solute fluxes, and other processes. We provide free and open access to the Python implementation to ensure our multiscale proximal tubule model is accessible, enabling the reader to explore the model through configuring their own simulations, executing reproducibility tests and sensitivity analyses, and reusing the model in new work. Here we present the reproduction of a selection of results from Noroozbabaee et al., 2022, providing readers with brief instructions on using the Python implementation to produce these results from the primary article.


Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment: Catalyst Strategic Fund (12 Labours)



  • VI. Molecular & Cellular



Journal Title



1. The matlab ode suite. Journal: SIAM journal on scientific computing. Shampine, Lawrence F and Reichelt, Mark W. Volume: 18. Year: 1997.